
work hard是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

work hard

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v.knuckle down,apply yourself,buckle down



1.努力工作 work with 与。。。一起工作 work hard 努力工作 work for 为。。。而工作 ...

2.努力学习 hard work 努力工作;繁重的工作 work hard 努力学习;辛勤工作 study hard 努力学习 ...

3.努力地工作 hard-working adj. 勤奋的 work hard 努力地工作 assist 援助 ...

4.工作努力 prettily dressed 穿着漂亮 work hard 工作努力 hardly enough 几乎不够 ...

5.勤奋工作勤奋工作Work hard)创业公司的创始人工作时候都非常专注,他们很少休息,熬夜加班也是家常饭。

6.苦干谁叫自己只是会苦干(work hard)不会精干(work smart),加工作有自己的份,其他就真是随缘.唉…命已如此…怨不了别人… 所以, …


1.I think, as with any other business, it's built on relationships and I work hard to have those relationships.我想,不管做什么生意都需要关系,而我,正在努力建立这种良好的关系网。

2.Woman: You know, you work hard, get all sorts of qualifications, try to be the best in your field, and then what?你知道,你努力工作,取得各种资格,尝试在你的领域做到最好,然后做什么呢?

3.You should make full use of every minute to work hard as the final examinations are around the corner .期末考试临近了,你们应该好好利用每一分钟。

4.Tom was away from school for a month so now he's got to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class.汤姆有一个月未到校上课,所以他现在必须努力,好赶上班上其它同学。

5.As a result the children grow up to lack discipline, the ability to achieve things, and the confidence to take risks and work hard.作为结果,孩子长大后缺乏纪律,缺乏完成事情的能力,缺乏冒险和努力工作的自信。

6.Don't let her get hurt, load the responsibility that rise to protect her to look after her, and work hard to do.不要让她受伤,担起保护她照顾她的责任,并且努力去做。

7.Athletes need someone else, a coach if possible, he said, to tell them when to rest, when to take an easy day and when to work hard.他说,运动员也需要别人帮助,如果可能的话最好有教练告诉他们什么时候休息,什么时候轻松一天,什么时候要努力训练。

8.Mathilde had to work hard day and night and bought such a diamond necklace as she had lost to pay back to Jeanne.马帝尔德不得不日日夜夜地干活,来买一个像被她丢掉的那样的钻石项链还给让。

9."I will work hard to make it a tough choice for Delio Rossi, " he said.“我将会努力工作,成为德尔·罗西的强有力的选择,”他说。

10."Well, Russ, " she said, "if you work hard at this White House job, you might be able to make something of yourself. "“嗯,罗素,”他说,“如果你做好白宫这份工作,你会有所收获的”